In terms of expansion, Google shares its tendency with Alexander the Great. Google is certainly the uncrowned king of the Internet, but it keeps extending its territories by launching new products. However, not every product enjoys as successful a fate as Gmail. After Google Wave failed to create waves among netizens, the company has launched another sensation – Google Buzz.

Google Buzz – Sneak Preview

Google Buzz is another bold step from the company to jump on the social networking bandwagon. Why bold? Because, Google already has tried its luck with and However, the search engine giant was unable to dominate social ties that exist among internet users worldwide.

Simply put, Google Buzz is a smart and exciting way of sharing messages, photos and videos across your network of online friends. It allows you to share the information either with the public or privately with selected friend(s).

The official Facebook page of describes the new Buzz as an instrument to organize the so called “noise” in the social information available on web. The company considers real-time search and social search as the USP of Google Buzz. I wonder if Facebook or Twitter lack these features. However, Buzz certainly has the Google advantage.

Why Google Buzz is Integrated in Gmail?

Another exciting feature of Google Buzz is that it is integrated with the Gmail account. As per the official press release, this will allow users to experience social networking while checking emails. It will also save time spent on logging into a new site (read Google competitors). However, there are more commercial reasons attached to the integration concept. The internet experts believe that if all the Gmail accountholders accept Google Buzz, it will be second only to Facebook. Thus, the new born Buzz can simply reach on the top leveraging on Gmail’s consumer loyalty.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

Gmail integration helps users as they can simply add people from their contact list. However, they can choose whom they want to follow. Much like Facebook, Google Buzz also provides friend recommendations.

Google Buzz is a One-Stop Shop

Google offers no competition to Twitter, at least not directly. In fact, a user can connect Twitter, Picasa, Google Reader and Flickr accounts through his Google Buzz account. Moreover, Google Buzz is available on mobile. It can be added to the mobile as a new application or an extension to Google Maps.

All said and done, I am still puzzled why Google named the new product as ‘Buzz’, when we already have Yahoo Buzz operating for quite some time now. What happened to the creative spree of Google intellectuals?


The author, Mayank Saxena, is a member of the content writing team with Veda Informatics.