Let’s not even get into a debate about the power of the written word. Since you are reading this, we can safely assume that the written word is worth something. However, we don’t read every article or webpage we come across on the Internet. While there could be many reasons for this, the key out of this door is to RIP your content.

RIP it…

Relevance: Give me the most well written article about motorcycle insurance and I won’t read it. Why? It’s not relevant to me. Talk about buying a home in Cape Town and you’ve lost my attention. Why? It’s not relevant to me. You have to begin with precisely defining your target audience. The content of your website or article has to address this group.

Interest: The content should be able to hold your reader’s attention. You can accomplish this by giving your reader valuable information that is put across in gripping sentences. Also, avoid beating around the bush. Your reader is constantly thinking “what’s in it for me?” So, make your point quickly.

Pitch: What today’s readers hate the most is a traditional sales pitch. They run miles away from even the hint of a PR gimmick. While you need to ensure that your reader is made aware of all your salient features, you need to be highly tactical in doing this.

Moonlighting and Copywriting aren’t Friends

Copywriting for your website is not an easy task because:

  • So much content is already out there
  • There is stiff competition for your products and services
  • Your readers are becoming more demanding

Wondering whether to write your own content or to hire a copywriter? If your core competency is copywriting, by all means write your own content. If not, you need a professional.

How about hiring a part-time copywriter or a writer between jobs? After all, they cost less. Would you let a part-time dentist perform a root canal procedure for you? How about letting a non-professional do the electric wiring in your home? For fairly similar reasons, you need a professional copywriter.

A professional copywriter would focus on:

  • Using the appropriate keywords to write search engine friendly content
  • Conveying your company’s message in an effective way
  • Relating to the correct audience and their needs
  • Building your company’s image and credibility

And this would be done using engaging content that not only compels the reader to stay on your website, but also influences his/her opinion about your company and products. You have gone the extra mile to ensure that your offering adds value for your customers. Don’t compromise on conveying this to them.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.


The author, Arunesh Dogra, is a member of Content Development team with Veda Informatics.