Working from home is awesome. Not at all! My family is driving me bananas and I can’t wait to get back to office. Traveling to office is such a waste of time. No wait, WFH is frustrating when I need to coordinate with the team. Working from the office is so convenient. Okay, my colleague just sneezed, I’m outta’ here!

During the pandemic, we went back and forth about whether we love or hate working from home. Surprisingly, Sheldon (who can’t understand even basic emotions) expressed so well how we feel during the pandemic.

Our Favorite Pastime During the Pandemic

Favorite past time

What We Look Like While Working from Home

What we look like while working from home

When the Web Cam Suddenly Comes On

When the web cam suddenly comes on

When Family Asks Us to Do a Household Chore During Work

when a family

When Boss Asks to Get Our *SS Back in Office

when boss asks to be back in office

When a Colleague Coughs in Office

when colleage coughs

Returning to WFH After a Month in Office

When we return to WFH

What We Hope for Our Colleagues and Clients

What we say