“There are some things that money can’t buy; for everything else, there’s…”

If you saw this tagline, I bet your brain would automatically fill in the last word as “Mastercard.” That’s the power of content. Why am I talking about such an old tagline? That’s because Mastercard celebrated the 25th anniversary of its “Priceless” campaign in 2023, solidifying its brand image as a socially conscious business. To celebrate the anniversary, the payments giant highlighted Australia’s focus on inclusivity, collaborating with sportspersons with disabilities from the country. So, even if the tagline is 25 years old, it’s going to be around for a long time to come.

You don’t need to be a mega-cap company with an unlimited marketing budget to hit just the right note and build a connect with your target audience. Of course, this might seem easier said than done in the intensely competitive banking sector, where your offerings aren’t really that differentiated from those of your competition. So, how does content writing for banks differ from that for other industries?

Content Development for the Banking Sector

The common perception of the finance industry is one of mind-boggling jargon and yawn-worthy information. A good content writer can change all that. Plus, if you’re a traditional bank, you are competing for customer attention against disruptive fintech who talks the language of the digital native. So, content writing for banks needs to focus on:

Building Trust

A Forrester survey has revealed that only about a third of customers have “high trust” in their financial services provider. You need to tell your target audience why they should entrust their hard-earned money to you. This is where thought leadership content and educational resources can help.

Building Trust

Answering Questions

This is not just a way to build trust but it also demonstrates that you understand and empathise with your customer. It’s even better if you also address pain points that might not always shine a favourable light on your institution. This will project you as honest and objective. You can also respond to the most common searches related to banking through targeted educational articles, just like American Express does.

Answering Questions

Being Easily Discoverable Online

Your average customer is looking for you online. This is apparent from the rise in Google searches for “bank near me” by over 60% over the past few years. While that’s great news, and you already have a killer website and mobile app, it doesn’t really help customers find you unless you appear among the top results on Google. This is where SEO comes in. But remember to find the most relevant keywords because you will be competing against the biggest banking brands for the top position.

Discoverable Online

Maintaining Compliance

No other industry needs to deal with compliance requirements that are quite as stringent as those for the finance and banking sectors. All your marketing communications need to follow the guidelines set out by the financial watchdogs in the jurisdiction where you publish your content. This can make things complicated for brands wanting to establish a global presence. Experienced content writers for the banking sector ensure that they stay updated on the latest regulatory updates to ensure that all marketing communications remain compliant.

Maintaining Compliance

Mapping Content to Every Stage of the Customer’s Journey

Content marketing is impactful because it can be tailored to every stage of your sales funnel and the customer’s journey with you. Right from early-stage educational content to hook a prospect to ongoing resources to ensure retention.

The first step is creating awareness, where you tell your target audience how your bank resolves their problem, whether it is about investing, getting a loan or opening a savings account. Once the customer knows what you offer and how it benefits them, they will do their research to make a choice. The final stage in your sales funnel is the conversion of the lead, where your content needs to help them make a decision to open an account, apply for that loan or invest in a fixed deposit with your bank.

Mapping Content Stage

Don’t Attempt a DIY

Getting content development right, especially for a niche segment like banking, needs expertise. Content writers who specialise in the finance domain are skilled at creating impactful content that will help you connect with your target audience at whichever stage of the sales funnel they might be at. With over 2 decades of experience creating content for leading finance firms and banks worldwide, Veda Informatics is a full-service content marketing company that can help you, right from strategising to tracking and monitoring the performance of your content strategy to ensure it brings you the desired results. Talk to us to learn how we can help your bank differentiate itself through powerful content.