Social Media Marketing

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Top Social Media Sites

With the veritable deluge of social media sites coming up, it is quite difficult to identify the ones that are the most appropriate for promoting your business. Managing a business profile on all social media sites does not work well either. You need to choose the right ones, depending upon the type of your business.

By |2020-04-21T15:17:34+05:30September 16th, 2010|Marketing|1 Comment

5 Things You Need to Know About Internet Social Media Marketing

The core strength of Web 2.0 is interaction. Internet social media marketing uses platforms that combine social interaction and technology. It empowers companies to engage in a two way communication with their clients, prospective customers and strategic business partners. The wide reach of social media has made it a very powerful tool for any marketer.

By |2020-04-21T15:39:08+05:30September 10th, 2010|Marketing|3 Comments

Worldwide Video War – Providers Open Content Floodgates

If Alvin Toffler ever went Shakespearean*, he would have suggested that ‘all ye take heede that future winds of change can best be rode by those ready to learn.' Having exhausted all possible variations on online models of print, or publishing to be more exact, the eye of the online world has been steadily increasing

By |2020-04-22T18:58:10+05:30December 16th, 2009|Business, Content, Marketing, Technology|0 Comments

Don’t be Chicken… Get the Bird to Build your Brand

Information technology has been the underlying cause of business transformation for the past couple of decades. In the last couple of years, it has changed the way organizations communicate with their target audience. The cheap availability and wide reach of the Internet has got companies to reconsider their online presence and to use it for

By |2020-04-23T17:28:56+05:30April 8th, 2009|Business, Global, Marketing, Technology|0 Comments

Use of Social Media in Fashion Industry

People who were keen to know about fashion trends always picked up the latest glossy to know about the ever-changing trends in the fashion industry. However, social media has changed this totally. When we talk about social media, the general reference is to websites or online platforms that enable the fashion industry to connect with

By |2020-04-16T12:36:15+05:30March 16th, 2009|Business, Global, Marketing|6 Comments