Yearly Archives: 2010


Top 10 Ways To Speed Up Your WordPress Blog

With unlimited information becoming available with the click of a mouse, internet users have lost their patience, when it comes to waiting for a WordPress blog to load. If a page is taking too long to become legible, most internet users will move on to the next page that offers similar information, news, views, images

By |2021-04-26T15:03:09+05:30December 12th, 2010|Marketing|5 Comments

Top Social Media Sites

With the veritable deluge of social media sites coming up, it is quite difficult to identify the ones that are the most appropriate for promoting your business. Managing a business profile on all social media sites does not work well either. You need to choose the right ones, depending upon the type of your business.

By |2020-04-21T15:17:34+05:30September 16th, 2010|Marketing|1 Comment

5 Things You Need to Know About Internet Social Media Marketing

The core strength of Web 2.0 is interaction. Internet social media marketing uses platforms that combine social interaction and technology. It empowers companies to engage in a two way communication with their clients, prospective customers and strategic business partners. The wide reach of social media has made it a very powerful tool for any marketer.

By |2020-04-21T15:39:08+05:30September 10th, 2010|Marketing|3 Comments

Affiliate Marketing: A Cost Effective Technique

An internal marketing technique, affiliate marketing calls for various websites joining hands to promote each other's products and services. This boosts the revenues of all the participating sites. Affiliate marketing involves the payment of a commission or a reward by a website to another for the business referred to by the latter. While Search Engine

By |2020-04-21T17:11:20+05:30May 28th, 2010|Business, Marketing|5 Comments

Cisco – The Uncrowned King in the VOIP Segment

As a low-cost alternative to wired communication networks, Voice over Internet Protocol technology, better known as VOIP, has inflated into a million dollar market. By converting analog voice signals directly into data packets that can be transported over the communication network, VOIP provides a high quality solution to enterprise communication needs. To remain in coherence

By |2020-04-21T18:08:36+05:30May 25th, 2010|Business, Technology|4 Comments

Moonlighting and Copywriting

Let's not even get into a debate about the power of the written word. Since you are reading this, we can safely assume that the written word is worth something. However, we don't read every article or webpage we come across on the Internet. While there could be many reasons for this, the key out

By |2024-06-12T12:24:39+05:30April 5th, 2010|Content, Uncategorized|0 Comments

SEO Copywriting Services added to our Services List

Rapidly-growing internet visibility optimization company is that rapidly-growing internet visibility optimization company does; and we at Veda Informatics Pvt. Ltd. are no exception. Our recently launched search engine optimization (SEO) copywriting services are aimed at start-ups or small businesses. Veda Informatics' range of services includes writing articles, e-books, press releases, blog posts, product reviews, newsletters

By |2020-04-21T18:36:53+05:30April 2nd, 2010|Business, Content, News|1 Comment

Social Media Promotion – Traffic Strategies

Isn't it exciting to witness the rising effectiveness of social media as a great business promotion tool? Well, the world is tweeting, following, adding followers and building their brand image to laugh all the way to the banks, thanks to social media interactions. So, what is Social Media after all: To the uninitiated, however, the

By |2020-04-21T18:47:11+05:30March 29th, 2010|Business, Marketing|7 Comments

Yahoo! That’s a Tweet Deal!

Yahoo Twitter Content Sharing Deal, Real Time Search Integration already Implemented Yahoo has finally managed to win the deal with Twitter. In an effort to jump on to the social media bandwagon, Yahoo has join hands with microblogging giant, Twitter, to integrate social media feeds. Emphasizing on the importance of this deal, Twitter co-founder Biz

By |2020-04-22T15:24:16+05:30February 25th, 2010|Business, Global, Technology|0 Comments